5 Years Ago I Quit My Job And This Is What Happened Since Then

5 min readAug 11, 2022

… and what I learned since then

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

In 2017 I was miserable. I had a good paying full-time job as a programmer at a big consulting company. My coworkers were really nice and at the beginning I got two months paid further education of programming. I traveled a few times to cities I’ve never been, and I loved to explore new cities. So why was I miserable?

Because the work itself sucked. And I have to tell a thing about myself: I hate wasting time.

So, wasting time at work for a project that probably will not work or would take a lot of useless time was a nightmare for me.

I struggled with my choice for a few months but then I got close to a depression, so I quit.

You can read the whole story here in my other article.

But what you want to know now is: what am I doing since then? And what did I learn the last few years?

The biggest thing: I’m not miserable anymore

There were bad times since then, for sure. But at the moment I’m happy with my life. Right now, I’m starting I’m in a part time job next to my studies and it helps me to have a fixed schedule. It’s still not perfect, because there are still times where I’m wasting time at work…




Introvert. Writing about my strategies from lessons learned about self-growth and productivity. Get my guide: karina-ahrer.com/boost-your-productivity/