Not Making a Decision Is Also a Decision

3 min readJul 22, 2022
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

I hate it when I’m unproductive or when I’m wasting my time.

But my sickness this week gave me no choice, and I had to rest on the couch everyday. I’m then getting annoyed by myself because I’m wasting time but on the other side I also know that my body needs time to heal.

Do you also have that feeling after you were sick, that you want to do everything now, right now? Going out, enjoying the world, working on projects again, meeting people, going grocery shopping… I like that feeling of freedom, of being able to conquer everything. After a while you will get used to the healthy life again and take it for granted again. You should never take your health for granted. We only have this body and we have to live with it and nurture it so it can serve us.

But it’s a little off topic of what I wanted to write about today. I read an interesting post from Mark Manson on Instagram and got me thinking and got me writing this post:


“Nothing happens until you decide. Make a decision and watch your life move forward.”

Oprah Winfrey

We make a lot of decisions throughout each day, even though you don’t actively decide it. Most them you decide unconsciously which are called habits then. Your habit is to stay in bed for a…




Written by Karina

Writing about my strategies for self-growth, introversion and productivity. Subscribe:

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